No View From Summit

Summit does not have a "view"
KK7LHY's picture

Ebey Hill (WA) Public Access


The Plan

This year I'm particularly interested in first activations. One of the few remaining unactivated peaks within a couple hours drive from Seattle was Ebey Hill near Arlington, due to the access issues described in this previous pnwSOTA post by WA7JNJ.

WJ7WJ's picture

Mount Gauldy, OR | Dec 2024


Mount Gauldy is an easy summit near Hebo Oregon
It is either a drive up or a road walk of at most 3.5mi RT and 600ft elevation gain.

WJ7V's picture

Peak 1465, OR | Nov. 2024


1465 is a 1-point peak in the Oregon Central Coast region. The top of the summit is close to the road but due to geography and deep thorny overgrowth, remains nearly inaccessible. However, a spur road does pass through the edge of the activation zone (as confirmed by GPS altitude). 

WJ7V's picture

Scott Mountain, OR | Nov. 2024


Scott Mountain is a 1-point summit in the Oregon Central Coast (CC) region with a straightforward, easy grade hike of 2.2 miles each direction. The AZ contains ample space to set up on a dis-used roadbed with decent cell coverage for spotting.

From Oregon Hwy. 34, proceed west of Alsea. You will enter the Siuslaw National Forest. Driving directions are as follows:

WJ7V's picture

Peak 1820, OR | Nov. 2024


1820 is a relatively easily accessible forested summit in the Oregon Central Coast (CC) region near Lincoln City, OR. It sits entirely on Siuslaw National Forest land. 1820 was a First Activation for the crew, which consisted of Amy KC7JNU, Katherine KK7IUD, KC K1ZMA, Jason K7BXX and myself.

AG7GP's picture

Maklaks Crater, OR August 2024


Maklaks was the 2nd summit I did while camping at Jackson Kimball State Park, Sand Ridge the evening before, Maklaks the next morning. These two can easily be done in one day. If really ambitious, you could even add Pothole Butte or another Hwy 97 summit.

KD7QOW's picture

Calamity Peak


The network of roads that accesses this summit are minimally maintained, and the final approach road isn't maintained at all as there is no active tree harvesting happening at the time I activated the summit. Expect the final access road to continue to degraded and grow over. When I activated this, I was able to ride my bike to the highest point on the road but had to lift it over a large blowdown that you won't be able to drive past or lift a motorcycle over. if you're feeling ambitious, you and another experienced sawyer could get it with a 24" bar. 

KF7SEY's picture

Vineyard Mountain, Or | July 2024


Start at the Lewisburg Saddle in the OSU research forest.