KK7DS's picture

Double Header Part 2: Bandwidth Mountain


As we headed back from Lakeview Peak earlier in the day, Taylor and I took a detour to go by Bandwidth Mountain. This two-point summit is not significant enough to have an official name, but like many in the Washington SOTA database, it has been assigned a cute amateur-radio name to avoid a simple numbering system. Our outdated topo map software showed a road leading in the direction of the summit, but stopping a couple miles short. However, some satellite reconnaissance ahead of time showed that the road actually went much farther, to just below the base of the summit.

KK7DS's picture

Double Header Part 1: Lakeview Peak


UPDATE (as of June 18, 2017): Weyerhaeuser now requires a recreational permit in order to access this area.

K7ATN's picture

South Sister, OR | June-2012


The gate just past the Mount Bachelor ski area on the Cascade Lakes Highway opened just two weeks ago Friday - there is still plenty of roadside snow on the five miles from the ski area to the Devil's Lake trailhead. There's some shoulder cleared near the trail and a bit of space at the entrance to the trailhead parking lot - we bivyed there in the vehicle for the night and got ourselves up at 4am for a 5am start. There is no trail sign or anything to indicate where the trail starts - we scoped it out for bootprints in the snow during the last of the daylight the night before.

NS7P's picture

NS7P activation of Walker Point, W7/CC-027, on June 14, 2012


This summit is a fairly easy trip from the Eugene, OR area.  The 4.1 mile drive up to the trailhead is steep in places, but passible with a standard car.  The short (quarter mile) hike to the top is easy, and the top is broad and generally flat.

KK7DS's picture

Three Corner Rock, WA


Taylor (K7TAY) and I went back to the Northern Columbia River Gorge area for yet another four-point summit in Southern Washington today. The weather was forecast for 70F in the valleys and clear skies; we were not disappointed.

N7AAM's picture

My First Activation


After attending Dan and Taylor's (KK7DS & K7TAY) seminar at SEAPAC, I was inspired to give SOTA a try.

KG7E's picture

First Activation. Leslie Butte


Wanted to try out my gear so I hiked up this butte which is right behind my house. About 1000 ft straight up. No trail to speak of, just a lot of loose rock.  Set up my Buddipole and tuned it with a small analyzer. Operated 20m CW with my Elecraft K-1 and mini-paddles. Battery was an 1800mAh 12 volt model airplane Li-Po I had laying around the shop.  It wasn't until I quit that I realized I never used the auto-tuner in my K-1, so who knows how much my 5 watts was throttled down. I'll try to remember that next time.

AE7LD's picture

Saddle Mountain


This is a well-used, highly-trafficed trail.  There is plenty of parking, but you may want to get to the trailhead early as the parking lot does fill up.  There are restroom facilities at the trailhead, but they may be seasonally open.  The summit has a hand rail that can be used for antenna guy lines.


K9VD's picture

Little Baldy


My Adventures in fitness and SOTA continue!  This was a fun one, spur of the moment decision to do it.  Hours drive to the trail head, hour up, 30 minutes operating, hour down and an hour drive home.  The view from the top was really nice and there was a ledge with a really good drop off as well!


GPX and Google Earth files here.


KK7DS's picture

SeaPac SOTA Meetup

This coming Friday night (June 1, 2012) there will be a gathering of PNW SOTA people in Seaside, OR for dinner. This pre-SeaPac event will occur at 6:30pm and is open to anyone interested or participating in the SOTA program in the area. Come by to share your experiences and otherwise mingle with like-minded SOTA addicts.