Forested Summit

Summit is forested and/or has ample tree cover.
KF7SEY's picture

Royce Mountain, Or | Aug 2016


This is an easy drive up 6 pointer. Take highway 58 east then turn off on Cascade lakes National Scenic Byway. After a few miles turn left on NF-4672(Royce Mountain Loop) 43.5499 -121.8594. Continue for 4.5 miles then turn right at 43.5172 -121.91358. The last portion of this road is rough and would recommend SUV's only to make the summit. Once at the end of the road the true summit is roughly 200 ft. which is where I operated from. End of the road is still within the activation zone.

K7MK's picture

Peak 7460, ID | June 2016


During my first activation of Sunset Mountain (2015), I spied Peak 7460 down the Hungarian Ridge trail leading from the summit of Sunset Peak.  An out and back activation was realized in 2016.  It didn't see like it was going to be a big deal hiking down from Sunset peak and then back up to Peak 7460, but it turned out to be quite the effort!  6.2 miles round trip and 2410ft of climbing. 


KF7SEY's picture

Mosquito Peak (Peak 1960), OR | July 4th 2016


This is an easy summit to get to. Can get there from Falls City but its is easier to come in from highway 410 near Logsden. Use Big Rock Creek Road to access. This is also on private timber land and is closed during fire season. I will upload a google track in the download section for help. The name came from the summit area. The summit is in dense forest and during activation Mosqutio's were horrible and we forgot repellent. Needless to say we were in a hurry to collect chasers. Thanks to all the chasers that came to my aid.

KF7SEY's picture

Boswell Peak (Peak 1985), OR | July 4th 2016


I decided to activate this one after looking at it for a long time. This peak is somewhat out of the way on timber company land. Roads are normally open except during fire season. After activating, I decided I wanted to name this peak after a ham that recently became a silent key. Bob Boswell, W7LOU, was an inspriation to new and old hams. He was an elmer to many inculding myself. He also was the founder of the R.O.A.D's group(Radio Operators Association of Dallas) in Dallas , Or. He will be missed by many.

K7ATN's picture

Githens Mountain, OR | July 2016


Githens Mountain in the Clackamas River drainage is a short, one mile hike and only about 500 feet of gain. It can be activated along with nearby Tumala (Squaw) Mountain from the same trailhead. Finding the summit may require a GPS, as it's not on the trail and isn't particularly distinct.

K7ATN's picture

Timber Butte, OR | June 2016


Timber Butte is a practically unknown destination not far from the busy trailhead for Triangulation Peak.

ND7PA's picture

Activation of Little Odell Butte - June 24, 2016


Little Odell Butte is near the Willamette Pass ski area just off OR58 and is also near Odell
Butte. Its a cute warm-up hike for its bigger namesake.

Little Odell Butte is reached by turning off onto RD6020 off of OR58 between mileposts 76
and 77.  RD6020 parallels OR58 for a bit then turns west. 1.5 miles from OR58, take RD500
on the right. I'd go maybe a couple of hundred feet or so and park. Its too rough and brushy
for any vehicle you care about keeping.

Using a map and GPS head up RD500 staying to the left initially then turning up towards the

K7ATN's picture

Lost Lake Butte, OR | June 2016


This is a nice hike of 1100 feet on a well-graded trail of about 4.8 miles round trip.

NS7P's picture

NS7P activation of Dead Mountain on 31 May 2016


Dead Mountain, W7O/CM-115 is an out of the way summit in a forested area.  A road goes right by this 2 point summit. 

N7KRN's picture

"Capacitor Peak" Activation 6/3/2016


The easy access to this hill is off of forest road FS-6081 (you’d want a high clearance vehicle) which was not passable for us. It leads to a spur road that goes almost to the top (this is also blocked to vehicles by windfall and some erosion). Good thing we had a plan B – which was to follow the PCT - Trail #2000, south from the nearby Crest Horse Camp.