
K7ATN's picture

Wind Mountain, WA | February 2013


A pleasant 2.5 mile (round trip) hike with perhaps 1000 feet of elevation gain ending in an operating position with a nice view of the Columbia River Gorge. There are some subtle archaeological aspects to this summit - hikers should be aware and read the signs to avoid disturbing any 'structures.'

N7KRN's picture

The Eaglet Activation


Wow... there must a lot of easier ways to get a 4-point activation. I knew there wasn't a trail to this peak and there would be some bushwacking involved because not many folks go there. But oh my gosh, this trip turned into an ordeal!

KF7EHT's picture

Activation of Mount Spokane on attempt number four!


About 35 miles from downtown Spokane, Mount Spokane (aka W7W/WE-006 Jump-off Joe) is a fixture of Eastern Washington outdoor recreation.

ND7PA's picture

Activation of "The Twins", Deschutes Co., Oregon 10.5.2013


"The Twins" is a nice activation target just north of Hwy 58, east of Oakridge, Oregon. We took off 10/4 from the Willamette valley in dense fog and headed towards the Cascades to find the fog clearing by the time we reached Oakridge.  The big soaking rains from the Chinese typhoon blown our way had no doubt left some snow so I checked several SNOTEL sites and found that very little snow had fallen and none was currently recorded at any of the sites I checked. Apparently, "The Twins" never bothered to check with the SNOTEL sites.

NS7P's picture

August 19, 2013 NS7P activation of Tidbits Mountain


On August 19 I activated Tidbits Mountain, W7O/CM-089 - or so I thought. First let me tell you about the hike, because it’s a nice trek.


HG1DUL's picture

Some aurora on six


Old Scab 2012-07-15 CN96jv34

A very pleasant hike in the middle of summer. With lots of QSOs, nice weather and strong wind. As usual, I gathered information from Beckey’s book and of from the Internet for this summit too. The forest road opens from state route 410 and the upper section might require higher clearance. I think this summit is not visited very often, today I have not met with anyone.

K7ATN's picture

Snipes Mtn, WA | Aug-2013


Snipes Mountain is a fairly easy one-pointer just a short distance off I-82 east of Sunnyside, Washington. Access is by a rental car "suitable" dirt track about 1.3 miles from the West Sunnyside exit.

N7KRN's picture

Mount Pilchuck Activation


This not-so-epic activation took place Saturday, on probably the busiest peak in the area. The constant flow of hikers up and down the trail didn't slow down until early evening. Be prepared for lots of company on this one.