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I just moved to WA from MI,looking for a new QTH to set myself up in. I Grew up in Maine and i enjoy traveling the country! I enjoy hiking and radio, so combining the two should be fun right?
I am active in POTA and usually use a Yeasu FT 817 with a EFHW or a Xeigu G90 with a 9-1 UNUN 30 foot wire. My home QTH is not set up because I do not have a place yet. If it was set up, it would consist of a Yeasu FT 991A, Ameritron AL-811H amp, ether a 20m dipole or a WRC Vertical base antenna, and a 2m J-pole up about 30 feet on a push up pole. I also enjoy riding my motor cycle, sailing, and RC Airplanes.
HAM operator living in MT.
Activate and chase on VHF and HF. Yaesu FT-3DR and FT-891.
US Army Veteran 12c Combat Engineer 1980-1986
US Forest Service Baker Snoqualmie NF Cadastral Boundary Land Survey Tech. 1982-1992
Former SAR member of Snohomish Co. Wa.
Boilermakers Union Journeyman Welder Ret.
Intermediate Mountaineer Ret.
Yaesu VX6
Summits prior to SOTA < Glacier Peak, Beckler Peak, Mount Adams, Camp Muir.
Hello, I have been tech Licensed since the mid 90's. This is my orriginal call, NOT vanity. I have been somewhat active in last few years on 10, 6, 2, 1.25, and 70cm.
I have explored a bit of ft8, msk144, ft4, and wspr.
I havs also just gotten into DMR, have hotspot, ht, and mobile. I am trying it, no judgement please!
None yet, I am hoping to chase and also activate in the near future.
Very new to Ham but lifelong avid outdoorsman. Primarily ultralight backpacking, climbing, skiing, and cycling.
Primarily 40/30/20m CW and 2m FM.
Retired Product Safety Engineer, formerly Tektronix.
Mobile on Harley Trike, Oregon coastal range and SW Arizona: 2m/70cm.
Ham Radio Operator
Mountain Biker
Love all things mechanical
I just got into sota but have done many local peaks, it's fun, some of the hikes are short, some are great. I like bringing my KX2.
Raised in the Great Basin country. Recently retired from 40+ year career with USFS. Started amateur radio October 2019.
Planning stage so far. SOTA activities were significant aspect of my decision to get involved with amateur radio. Currently putting together equipment suitable for SOTA work.
Licensed since 1979, portable CW enthusiast.
I have not yet performed a formal SOTA activation. When I operated on Marys Peak for Field Day, I used a K2 and K1, both on battery power, using hamsticks for antennas.
New to ham, not new to hikes.
None yet. Baofeng UV-5R + Diamond srj77ca. Soon to try antenna home builds.
Newer to ham radio, been outdoors-man for many year. Now would like to tie the two together.
Just starting out. Only have handheld for now, looking at mobile stations.
I'm a new tech. with interest in SOTA/POTA and the FM satellites. I live in the Cascade-Fairwood area of Renton, WA but am from northern California originally. I got interested in amateur radio after stumbling upon the hobby online somewhere and have been really enjoying the local nets.
So I am just starting out with SOTA but I will be using my Yaesu FT-4xr on 2m/70cm FM calling frequencies to activate. I added a SignalStick antenna as well as a Diamond SG7500A. I plan on starting small since I am not a very experienced hiker, though I do enjoy the outdoors and disperse camp frequently.
New radio operator but experienced climber and skier who is excited to get involved with SOTA.
Primarily interested in activating but will chase here and there. I am planning to activate on both VHF and HF using my Icom IC-V86 and IC-705. Most of my activations will probably occur in the winter season when I am ski touring.
Returning back to amateur radio after a hiatus. I have a strong interest on portable operation and SOTA adds more fun to it.
I am new to this and have not fully started yet. I plan to try all aspects with my various equipment.
Licensed as a ham operator for Fifty years but inactive since 1986. Interested in constructing antennas for HF. Getting back on the air.
I want to chase SOTA contacts. I use a ICOM 718 with a end fed 133 foot antenna. It is vertically polarized.
Still a new HAM, loving every aspect! I enjoy APRS, Winlink and Ragchewing. Been active on 2/70cm and just got a HF rig to learn about the true Radio!
I’ve been into electronics since a kid, and have a background in car audio/Security and offroad vehicles and accessories.
New to SOTA. Starting out with a Yaesu FT-818, 16ah LiFePo4, Z-817, BuddiePole Deluxe Long.
I used to like scuba diving, now I like radios and other stuff.
I have no SOTA experience. I have a couple of dual band HTs.
Introduced to amateur radio in the Fall of 2018, I’m a relative newcomer to the hobby and have jumped in with both feet. My current interests include CW, QRP and SOTA, though I haven’t yet activated any summits. Hopefully that changes soon!
I haven’t activated yet, but I have two rigs—a QCX 40m and an FT-818 for CW in addition to a Yaesu HT + roll-up j-pole that I will use for FM activations. I do like trail running so intend to keep my pack nice and light.