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With retirement, I am renewing my outdoor fun life. This includes off roading, overlanding, and hiking. Recently got interested in HAM radio and then I found SOTA!!!
I plan to be an activator. For UHF / VHF using a FT 60 HT and role up J pole. For HF will be trying EFHW from PackTenna and WRC and 72 inch whip. Radio is an Xiegu g90
I enjoy spending time outdoors and learning new skills. SOTA seems like a great combination.
Currently hold technician license but aiming to get general in the next 2 months. My goal is to mostly activate but also chase, to start with I have a Xiegu G90 (would like to get something more compact once I get started) with Packtenna EFHW for HF and a Yaesu FT3D for 2m.
Working in Portland metro area, doing parks and summits as I can around an odd work schedule and two small children.
Running an FT-891 with an EFHW and some light masts. Only done a few summits in SE Oregon when we didn't draw any deer tags but still wanted the trip. Mostly get summit chases when I sneak in a POTA activation.
Licensed 2017. Enjoy portable activations. Just learning cw.
Interested in activating.
New ham as of summer 2024. Started doing SOTA with my family of 4 in September 2024. Net control operator for Lake Washington Ham Club.
We like to activate using a handmade yagi antennae and Icom 2 meter mobile radio. Carne Mountain (W7W/CH-142) was our first 8-pointer and hardest hike yet at 8 miles and 3,600 feet elevation gain. The larches were at peak and it was a stunning summit!
SOTA has provided opportunities to go places I would never think of going. Any station I operate is field "temporary."
Hi I'm KA7WYR, licensed back in the 1980's along with my entire family, earning my Novice and Tech (with code) licenses. This year 2024 upgraded my license to General and have started doing more HF ops. Living in Western Washington I wanted to become more active and combining hiking and radios seemed like a great combination! My full QRZ bio at
QTH is Issaquah, WA and starting (in 2024) to activate local peaks in W7W and branching out from there in terms of difficulty. For equipment I have a 2m/70cm HT with rollable j-pole antenna, and also recently build a packable HF rig based on FT-891 and either EFHW or simple dipole.
B.C.Ham radio operator
I activate SOTA in B.C. Canada and hope to hit more this year.
Ham'd up in 2022 with a General and looking to explore POTA and SOTA in the PNW. Extra in 2023.
Been active since the start of 2023 with over 450 points invested in summits in Oregon, Washington and California, and growing! I love operating QRP with an Elecraft KX2 and either a 40m EFHW antenna or a Wolf River vertical whip with coil for 40m. It's a very versatile setup. Happy to activate with newcomers or experienced operators!
Half-century ham and quarter-century QRPer who "discovered" SOTA just before the pandemic. Outside of radio, I focus on birds and words. Lately, I've upped my geocaching effort.
I prefer CW but can use voice, especially VHF/UHF, and will someday soon try FT8 from a summit. I built an Elecraft K1 when they came out and really enjoy using it both as my primary shack rig and my SOTA/POTA station. In both cases, simple wire antennas are generally my go-to. I've spent a lot of time on satellites, but the equipment demand is a bit heavy for SOTA.
Retired software engineer after almost 30 years.
In 2021, got back into ham radio after a decade or so lapse.
Interested in homebrewing circuits and trying out new antenna ideas.
Know enough CW to chase SOTA/POTA. Working on better CW recognition so I can activate as well.
I enjoy backpacking, camping and combining that with ham radio.
first licensed in 2020. I've been in construction all my life. The outdoors have always been my goto to reset. My dogs keep me tethered to day trips or an occasional overnighter. TX500 EFHW FT3D 5/8 tele whip and QuadZilla
drive ups hike ups snow shoes on the weekends. I use WE4DX club call typically.
Let's Goooooooooooat 8^P
Located at Lake Tapps, east of Tacoma, WA., I'm on the plateau above Sumner/Puyallup at 520', surrounded by trees.
The base station is an Icom 7300 radio,
53' of DXE-400 MAX coax cable and a Hustler 5 vertical antenna
40 #14 AWG multi-strand radial ground wires. The radials are 32' long (9.7536 meters) in a morning sunrise pattern.
Transmitting on 10, 15, 20 and 40 meters so far.
New to SOTA
I run Ultratrail races as another hobby and am always near summits when I am training. I received my General License in September and stumbled upon SOTA and thought that it would be great to combine the training with summitting.
Fairly new to amateur radio. I spend a ton of time in the outdoors so when I found out about SOTA it really got me excited. Hunting, fishing, snowmobiling, scuba diving, backpacking, dirt bikes, etc are just a few things I enjoy.
I’m fairly new to amateur radio and learning more everyday. My equipment seems to change all the time ,radios include the IC705, TX500, G90, GS-5B, TH-D75. Antennas are mostly home made random wire antennas, SSB phone is currently my favorite mode. Winter activations and summits with no trails I enjoy the most.
Activated my first summit in May 2020 and had a great time. SOTA is a wonderful part of the world's greatest hobby!
Activated first summit in May 2020. Gear is KX3 or MTR3B with SOTABeams linked dipole or end-fed wire antenna.
I enjoy packing my gear into the high country, making contacts from summits, hunting, and activating parks throughout the SOTA & POTA networks.
My family and I live between two beautiful properties, one in San Juan County and the other in Whatcom County. We keep a small farm, and we're made up of a family of five "humans being" with creation and the inhabitants of this land. Our homestead is comprised of roughly 10 acres of wooded grassland. The property is situated on a three percent slope with total southern exposure. You can learn more about us at and Instagram.
In my free time, I enjoy exploring light as it gets captured through the lens of my camera. I am interested in investigating ideas through photography and designing for our challenges in the ophthalmic industry. You can learn more about my work at | you can also connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn.
Equipment -- IC-705, KX2, KH1, IC-7300, IC-5100, ID-52. (all barefoot) | HF Antennas -- Hexbeam 20M and up & EFHF 130' length, Sloper configuration | VHF/UHF Antennas -- Cubical Quad and Vertical 9' Commet.
I love getting into the very high cascades and taking challenging overnight treks into the wilderness.
Amateur Radio Operator since March 1995.
Mountain Climber Since 1972.
Activator - Since 2011