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- Home Region
- W6/ND
- SOTA Activities
Mostly CW. Enjoy activating--usually W6/ND and WH, but also do a lot of chasing. Still new at CW, but enjoying it and getting better. Rig is KX2, usually at 5 watts and usually into an EFHW.
- Website
- Name
- Tom Hardy
- Bio
Primary QTH is in Bishop, CA, but my wife and I have a home in Astoria, OR and spend considerable time there--planning to make it home after retirement and hope to be very active in the PNW. Right now, most of my activating is in the White Mountains (WH) and Northern deserts (ND) of W6. I hear and work lots of PNW SOTA activators at my home and S2S. Mostly CW, but I'll break out a microphone now and then. Rig is a KX2, usually running an EFHW.
- Member for
- 1 year 38 weeks