K7DDC's picture

Evergreen Mountain, WA | April, 2021 - Still snowed in


I made an attempt for Evergreen mountain today and the road is still pretty snowed in at least 15 miles from the TH. It gets pretty rough for all but very high clerance vehicles about 20 miles from the TH as well. I wasn't willing to hike 30+ miles today so I turned around.

KF7NYC's picture

St Helens, WA l March 26 2021


From Marble Mountain SnoPark, head up, then left to the current true summit.  Ski down.

H Henry's 6min video starts 7min in.


K7ATN's picture

Laurel Mountain, OR | Restricted Access


On the summit of Laurel Mountain, Oregon is the Falls City FAA Radar Site - a Federal Aviation Administration facility in Polk County, Oregon. The site is used to identify and track aircraft and provide air to ground radio communications. It is restricted access.


AE7AP's picture

Green Mountain, ID | September, 2020


Drive-Up on a spur road from the Magruder Corridor

AE7AP's picture

Peak 7699, ID | September, 2020


7.0 miles, +2,600 ft; -1,800 From Elk Mountain TH

I activated the way out from the Wylies Peak area on the final day of a 15-day backpacking trip; but the route description is the more direct route across Goat Creek.

AE7AP's picture

Moose Ridge, ID| September, 2020


16.2 miles, +4,300 ft; -4,200 From Elk Mountain TH

1.2 miles, +300, - 200 ft ft from Trail 562 Junction

I activated this on the 14th day of a 15-day backpacking from the Elk Mountain Trailhead, via Mink Ridge & Marten Creek with a side-trip up Marten Creek to Marten Hot springs; but the route description is the more direct route across Goat Creek and along the Square Rock & Moose Ridge.

AE7AP's picture

Shearer Peak, ID | September, 2020


18.5-miles, +4,700 ft; -5,300 From Elk Mountain TH

3.5 miles, +800, - 1,500 ft ft from Trail 562 Junction

I activated this on the 13th day of a 15-day backpacking from the Elk Mountain Trailhead, via Mink Ridge & Marten Creek with a side-trip up Marten Creek to Marten Hot springs; but the route description is the more direct route across Goat Creek and along the Square Rock & Moose Ridge.

KL0NP's picture

Mount Saint Helens, WA | March 2021


This was the second activation of LC-001 for both WE7CAT and KL0NP.  The first year WE7CAT had just gotten her tech license and was too shy to talk on the radio.  The next year she activated it without me with using an Anytone 878 with stock rubber duck antenna and was able to do a S2S with me while I was on Mt. Townsend in the Olympics.  This year WE7CAT/AE had just passed her Extra Class exam, and was ready to make contacts. 


AE7AP's picture

Wylies Peak, ID | September, 2020


10.7-miles, +3,800 ft; -2,900 From Elk Mountain TH

1.2 miles, +1,000 ft from Trail 562 Junction

I activated this on the 12th day of a 15-day backpacking from the Elk Mountain Trailhead, via Mink Ridge & Marten Creek with a side-trip up Marten Creek to Marten Hot springs; but the route description is the more direct route across Goat Creek and along the Square Rock ridge that we took on our way out.

AE7AP's picture

Vermillion Peak, ID | August, 2020


24.2 miles, +7,500 ft; - 6,800 From Elk Mountain TH

5.2 miles, +3,800; -500 ft from Buck Lake Creek