WW7D's picture

First activation of Cowan Lookout


Cowan Lookout is an abandoned fire lookout site that sits at 1,955' on top of a ridge that, at the other end, hosts an antenna site. Locally, the place is known as "Radar Hill." It is located in the hills that overlook the town of Naselle, WA, and the Naselle Valley, due west of the intersection of U.S. 101 and WA 4. You can drive to within a short distance of the activation zone, but the final 100' of ascent is a bushwhack.

K7ATN's picture

Upcoming Event – June VHF Contest 13th & 14th

For those with 6 meter and up SSB capability, activating on June 13 and 14 could have an extra fun factor – the ARRL June VHF Contest. There will be bunches of folks delighted to work you on 50.125 and 144.200 MHz SSB, other bands too if you have the gear. There is a bit of activity on 2 meter FM; but use of 146.52 isn’t allowed so look for folks on 146.55 or 146.58. VHF contests are a great time to activate a summit where you don’t want to carry or deploy up an HF antenna.

KG7AV's picture

China Hat, OR 7 June 2015


Having made my QSOs at Pine, scrambled down the summit, and headed back over the observatory and down the south access road - 4x4 only and not for the faint of heart.  Once on the valley floor, took NS-2310 south toward East Butte and China Hat, swinging back to pick up NS-1849 and circle up toward the summit.   The easiest route to China Hat is to take China Hat Rd NS-18 from south of Bend, but I was on the wrong side of the basin for that. Parked the truck and hoofed it the last mile as the manzanita was encroaching on the double track pretty tightly.

KG7AV's picture

Pine Mountain, OR 7 June 2015


Inspired, I guess, by yesterday's peformance by American Pharoah, I had intended to attempt a trifecta of 6 point peaks this day - Pine Mountain W7O/CE-058, China Hat W7O/CE-053, and Paulina Peak W7O/CE-009.

K7MAS's picture

First SOTA Activation: Three Brothers West, Chelan County, Washington - May 31, 2015


A dual Activation weekend trip with my friend Tim Nair, KG7EJT, and Dexter the SOTA Dog.  This report covers mountain number 2, Three Brothers West, activated on Sunday May 31, 2015.  The weather was very nice, company great and success on both peaks made for a memorable, if strenuous outing.  The Greater Teanaway River Basin and surrounding mountains offer more than 15 SOTA Summits, and are a favorite of area of Tim and me.

K7ZO's picture

Announcing the 2015 Idaho Kool-Aid Kids Chaser Challenge

As two of the newer folks to join the roles of North America SOTA activators, we are announcing a challenge to all you Chasers out there. We have titled this challenge the "2015 Idaho Kool-Aid Kids Chaser Challenge" after K6DGW's description of us in the May 2015 SOTA News -- "...We had a number of first activations in April, commensurate with a number of people introducing themselves on the NA SOTA Yahoo group. Mark, KT5WX; James, K7MK; and Scott, K7ZO successfully drank the SOTA Kool-Aid."

K7MAS's picture

SOTA Activation: Navaho Peak, Chelan & Kittitas Counties (on dividing Line), Washington - May 30, 2015


A dual Activation weekend trip with my friend Tim Nair, KG7EJT, and Dexter the SOTA Dog.  This report covers mountain number 1, Navaho Peak, activated on Saturday May 30, 2015.  The weather was very nice, company great and success on both peaks made for a memorable, if strenuous outing.  The Greater Teanaway River Basin and surrounding mountains offer more than 15 SOTA Summits, and are a favorite of area of Tim and me.

K7ATN's picture

Clarks Mountain, OR | June 2012


Clarks Mountain is just south of Seaside Oregon. The trail is about 1.8 miles of one-way hiking starting at a clearly marked trailhead on the very south end of town on Sunset Blvd.

NX7O's picture

Sisi Butte - An Hour Late and a Dongle Short


Scouting Report

TL;DR version: Parking for one or two rigs outside the gate.  Broken rock road to lookout, 2.75 miles, path to true summit forks off from LO road at ~ last 1/4 mile.  LO area was forested, true summit likely is also.  Good opportunities for hanging wire, limited view.  All in all, a lovely walk in the forest.

K7ZO's picture

Mores Mountain, Idaho | May-2015


(NOTE: This report covers both Shafer Butte W7I/BC-064 and W7I/BC-070. It is posted twice so that it can link to both summit references on pnwSOTA and SOTAWatch.)