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Little Baldy - Video Trip Report

W7TAO's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
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APRS Coverage: 
Don't know

The goats and I made a last minute decision on Friday night to get a SOTA fix. Saturday morning we hiked Little Baldy, near Alger, WA.  If you're heading north on I-5 towards Canada or Bellingham, this is right off the freeway.  Take Exit 242, turn Right (East) and the trailhead/parking lot will be clearly visible on your left in about 1/2 mile.

On the trail, follow the switchbacks to Squires Lake, then turn right to begin following the lake trail counter-clockwise.  In a few hundred yards, turn right to the marked "ridge trail".  Follow the ridge trail until it leaves the park boundary and turns into an abandoned road.  Stay on the main road, and take the third left, which will circle around the back (west) side of the peak and pop out at the summit.

A map of the Squires Lake & Chuckanut Mountain trail system can be found at Wholesale Sports in Burlington, just east of Home Depot.

The GPX file can be found in the "Downloads" section of this site.

My video trip report can be found here:

Thanks to Etienne K7ATN and WO6M for Summit to Summit contacts.



Todd W7TAO, Baker, Briggs, Boyd, Skloot & Timbers