KF7SEY's blog

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Vineyard Mountain, Or | July 2024


Start at the Lewisburg Saddle in the OSU research forest.

KF7SEY's picture

Trappers Butte, OR | July 2024


This is a fairly easiy ascess summit, good for a quick activation if in the area. Start by taking Parish Lake road off Highway 22 at (44.525530, -121.994293).

KF7SEY's picture

2280, Or | March 2022


Approach is the same as http://www.pnwsota.org/blog/kf7sey/2023-september-29/green-mountain-or-march-2022

continue down the road 1.5 miles turn left here: (44.76156350370385, -123.6659815609456) continue to summit.

KF7SEY's picture

Little Grass Mountain, Or | May 2021


Start at Green Mountain Rd off of Logsden Rd.  44.687697924471465, -123.62803059856984

KF7SEY's picture

Green Mountain, Or | March 2022


Start at Green Mountain Rd off of Logsden Rd.  44.687697924471465, -123.62803059856984

Follow this road for 7 miles to: (44.756485187050004, -123.64030749612313) park here to start your hike.

KF7SEY's picture

Fanno Peak, OR | May 2023


Fanno Peak is on Weyerhaeuser property and requires a recreation permit for access which has a limited number avalible, and has a cost (Black Rock is the permit area).

KF7SEY's picture

Stams Mountain, OR | Aug 2022


I approached this one from Highway 97 off of Walker Mountain Road (this route is long and rough, I think it was over 25 miles). It can also be reached from highway 31 via NF road 2415. Would recomend this route but if your in the area to do Walker Mountain W7O/CE-030 then you can get there. I parked here (43.3581,-121.4527) with the intent of walking the forest service roads that get close to the summit per the map. What I found was, roads were overgrown and not passable. We weaved through manzanita fields trying to stay in the open trees just heading up.

KF7SEY's picture

Peak 4935 | August 2022


I tried for this one after doing Cresent Mountain and was unsuccessful. Crescent Mountain | August 2022 | pnwsota.org

I left the main trail and bushwacked to the ridgeline. (44.48111,-122.08128)

KF7SEY's picture

Crescent Mountain | August 2022


Cresent Mountain can be approached via the north trail or the south trail.  I took the north trail. South trail is described here. Crescent Mountain - Hike Oregon

You can get to the trailhead for the south trail by taking Lava Lake mdw road off highway 22. (44.4859,-122.00008)

KF7SEY's picture

Skookum Butte, Or | Aug 2021


Off Highway 97 between Cresent and Chemult. follow directiions like your going to Walker LO  http://www.pnwsota.org/blog/k7atn/2014-september-02/walker-mountain-or-august-2014. You could drive almost to the summit if you have a small SUV like a Jeep. 4WD with clearance would be needed. I parked near the main road and rode my bike the 3.8 miles to the summit. GPS on my phone worked fine for navgation to the summit. I parked here: 43.2630 -121.70111.