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I'm relatively new to SOTA and Amateur Radio but I've always loved hiking. I haven't done much hiking since my first child was born. However with SOTA (and POTA) I'm now getting back into it and I'm looking forward to improving my fitness while also enjoying my new radio hobby.

For the moment I'm primarily using a Yaesu FT-857D with an EFHW antenna. I'm interested in getting a lighter QRP rig at some point. I also occasionally use an HT for 2m/70cm contacts.


Reid Wolcott

Hello from Marysville, Washington! I first became exposed to amateur radio through my work at the National Weather Service. It took me about 13 years but I finally studied and obtained my Technician license in January 2024 and my General license in July 2024. I use the callsign WX7RAW since "WX" is widely used as shorthand for "weather" and RAW are my initials.

Professionally, I serve as the Warning Coordination Meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Seattle, WA. In this role, I serve as the primary liaison between the National Weather Service and its core partners. I hold a Master’s in Atmospheric Science from the University of Washington.


Member for
1 year 2 weeks