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New ham and want to explore doing SOTA and POTA. I really want to familiarize myself with it and maybe do some spotting, if possible on VHF and UHF.
Currently I have a Yaesu FTM 300D and some 5 watt handhelds both are VHF/UHF only. I use the Yaesu for both home base and mobile. I plan to get an HF mobile radio, maybe a Yaesu 818 or 891? Not sure yet.


Phil Bride

New ham. June 2022 technician's license. Upgraded to general in August.

Started doing local SOTA activations. Connecting with local SOTA people. It's awesome. I keep planning my next activation! and now taking a cw class for qrp cw activations eventually ...

I have a Yaesu 300D and hope to get a portable HF radio at some point and start doing more remote activations.

I live in Beaverton with my family. In the past I spent quite a bit of time climbing, backpacking, winter camping, back country skiing/camping. Now I do fair weather camping ;) hiking, fishing, skiing and other outdoor activies when I can get out.


Member for
2 years 31 weeks