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PNW SOTA Newsletter
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I've enjoyed fishing (mostly mountain lakes and desert rivers) and amateur astronomy for quite a few years. Now SOTA gives me another reason to get outside and play.


Sean Borgerson

Amateur radio is pretty new for me (2023). My original motivation for license was to add another preparedness tool but then I realized how much more amateur radio has to offer. I’m a member of the Portland Amateur Radio Club (PARC), ARRL, AMSAT, and try to support some of the local repeater networks. I regularly participate in some nets and try to not miss the Thursday night Outdoors net ( and the Oregon Traffic and Training Net (on the WORC repeater system). I started doing summits on the air (SOTA) in the fall of 2023 - Besides being another great reason to get outdoors, SOTA offers me a great opportunity to practice good radio form (and get over the anxiousness about saying/transmitting something dumb).


Member for
1 year 9 weeks