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PNW SOTA Newsletter
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SOTA Activities

I logged a couple of SOTA stations by chance in early 2013, and that got me interested enough to search the internet for info and ask around at a local club meeting.

In October 2013, fellow club member Grover KG7O, invited me to tag along on an expedition with Rich N4EX, Phil NS7P, Etienne K7ATN, and Rachel K7NIT. They were great examples and very tolerant of a beginner. In spite of my inexperience, I made four qualifying contacts. Hooked! I also realized that my tidy QRP-in-the-park setup was way too complex & heavy for SOTA.

After down-sizing & re-equipping, I began some local activations. I may be too dang old for anything challenging, but plenty of nearby summits are little more than an uphill stroll. Although life and family events have interrupted my one-per-month pace, the urge to get into the hills is still alive.

Meanwhile, I'm biding my time by building lighter, simpler antennas, and rising early enough to regularly add SOTA contacts to my chaser log. Although that isn't so exciting as activating, it sure beats sleeping until noon and then wondering where the day went.



First licensed in 1960, I've been active most of the time since then (predominantly CW). Notable lapses occurred during a one-year vacation in Viet Nam and a few shorter stays in other choice locations, all courtesy of our Uncle Sam. Now fully retired after 40 years of DOD service, I am putting down roots in the Pacific Northwest.

Over the years, frequent reassignments forced me to keep my stations fairly basic, but avoiding elaborate setups was also philosophical. I didn't want a large $$ investment making me feel guilty if I gave the hobby a rest for awhile. I don't think that keeping it simple and inexpensive has diminished the fun at all.


Member for
11 years 16 weeks
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