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SOTA Activities

I like to chase and activate.


Kris Schmidt

New to SOTA learning all the in & outs of it. I have a passion for the outdoors and SOTA fits in with those activities. Now into my second year of SOTA activations I have to say it is addicting, nothing better then being in the outdoors. Some things I have found useful is don’t forget your 10 essentials every backpacker should have, YouTube has some great videos on it. Find out all the information you can on the route you plan on taking, is it Private, State or Federal land different requirements for access such as motorized or non motorized (MVUM Map). Not forgetting to do your (PSI) Pre SOTA Inspection, making sure all of your equipment works and operational and second before you leave your driveway do your
(PSC) Pre SOTA Checks that you have every thing for the activation. The reason I bring these things up is I have not done them on some of my activations and got to the top of the mountain and found out my BNC connector was broken and I had left my battery cable at home Ugh! :) I quess that is part of doing. The one big thing in winter activations don’t forget to take an extra long sleeve shirt to change into on top nothing like a dry shirt before you activate. It is a blast! hope too hear you on the bands, also feel free to contact me on any information you might need on local activations.

73! Kris


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