Turn off of West Calispell Loop Rd onto FR2022 then turn right onto FR3540 continue on until the saddle park on the left. There is no trail to the summit, I had to bushwack to the top. Plenty of trees on top won't need a Pole.
Access 2WD
Gps Track in Download page.
K7DJl's blog
Peak 5201, WA | June 2020
Ward Peak, ID | July 2019
Take St Regis Mt. exit head North at stop sign turn left in about 3 miles turn left onto FR road 282. Stay on 282 for 20.5 miles at the top of the pass turn right onto FR road 391 in 5.5 miles you will come to the trail head 250. AWD vehicle would be able to make it. From the trail head to the Peak is about 1.5 miles, if you feel ambitious you can continue back on trail 250 to activate Eagle Peak which is in Montana. Great Views!
Road 2WD
Gps Tract in download section
Activation Date 7/19/2019
Field Effect Mtn.
Field Effect Mtn in on Inland Empire Paper ground (IEP). Permit is required I would recommend going to there web site and read all the info to access the property. I started the track from Spirit Lake Id. The first 5 miles is paved then turns to dirt. At the trail head if the gate is open you can drive in if the gate is closed you can’t. The gate was closed so I had to take an ATV up close to the top then bushwhacked the rest of the way.