NE7ET's blog

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Elizabeth Ridge, WA | Sept 2021


This summit is a quick 1/2 mile hike up ~500' elevation gain along what one of the rangers described as "social trails" which is to say there is no maintained trail but folks have bushwacked up to the top.  After parking in the Mowich Lake lot (pass required) and walking a short distance, I found a spot by the turn-around (and a no-parking sign) which has a section where one can get up off the road and into the forest.  There is a short path that peters out but if you keep going upwards you eventually get to the peak.  I availed myself of the SOTA Goat app to keep me pointed

NE7ET's picture

Tolmie Peak, WA | Sept 2021


The trail is a relatively easy 7 mile hike round-trip with elevation gain of ~900' 

There is an excellent view from the summit of Tolmie Peak towards Mt. Rainier on a clear day.

It can get super busy on weekends with folks dragging their picnic baskets up to the top, especially around the firewatch tower.

NE7ET's picture

Huffaker Mountain access closed | Aug 2021


As of August 2021, access on FR-2505 is closed by the landowner due to extreme fire danger.

NOTE: as of Aug 2022, this has been reopened.  See my updated report .

NE7ET's picture

6001 (no name), OR from Bennett Pass Rd | June 2021


Well, we made it back alive.  Bennett Pass Rd/NF-3550 is a single lane (which serves both directions) dirt track.

We had spent the night at Rock Creek CG and thus driving up NF-4860 to the turn at the intersection with NF-3550.  There are, however, only 1 or 2 places to turn around after that.  We had to digg (a 4-letter word) through 2 snow banks to gain passage and only saw one other vehicle (a Jeep) on the route.  High clearance 4x4 vehicle required on NF-3550.

NE7ET's picture

Gracie Point, WA - north of Selah | June 2021


Today I dragged my Dad, my kids and their cousins up to Gracie Point summit.

I had read about the southern approach, from James WA7JNJ, which was listed as 5 or so miles one way and a rather steep hike.  I figured that was a bit much for my crew so we went around back to the northern approach.  Starting on N Wenas Rd turning north onto Sheep Company Road.  

NOTE: A Washington DNR Discovery Pass is required. These can be ordered online the same day, if you forgot yours.