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Clear Lake Tower Operator Info

N7UN's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Good, very usable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
Good digi echos

Please follow K7ATN's previous report for directions to this summit. 

In 2022 the tower lookout is Michelle who has been there for 8 seasons.  Very friendly and ham-radio accomodating.  Like other fire tower operators, announce yourself so Michelle knows you are there.  There is a public port-a-potty and a picnic table that can be used.  With permission, i hung one end of my EFHW from the tower structure, actually my rope supporting the EFHW.

She is accompanied by her mid-size, older dog named Gidget who is very human firendly (bring dog treats!) but Gidget DOES NOT like other dogs. Gidget was a rescue dog and has "issues" that manifest in aggressive behavior around other dogs.  Michelle will ask you to keep your dog on leash.