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South Tiger Mountain, WA | Jan 2025

N7ITU's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
Don't know

For my first activation in the Pacific Northwest, I chose South Tiger Mountain. It was a "suggested first summit," a short drive from home, and a relatively easy hike. It was also a 2-pointer, another first for me. 

I parked in the pulloff along Tiger Mountain Road SE and crossed to the well marked trailhead, essentially following WA7JNJ's sotamaps track. Early January had been fairly dry, so I enjoyed a route that was nearly mud-free. I followed a wooded trail to a wooded road that opened to a powerline corridor and clearcut. When offered, I opted to detour along another wooded trail that before long reconnected with the road I had left. From there, the final ascent zigged and zagged through an old clearcut to the summit. The near absence of trees up top allowed nice views of Tahoma and Seattle (especially after the valley fog burned off). Signage kept me on track the whole way, though I consulted the sotamaps track for verification a couple of times.

I found a small clearing in the slash and blackberries and strung a 40-meter end-fed halfwave, inverted-L style, from my 20-foot crappie pole to a convenient snag. I started on 15 meters, then went to 40 and 20. The bands weren't hopping, but it was reasonably steady for a half hour. Then I took down the EFHW and put up a random wire aimed in a new direction. This gave me my best DX: AC1Z in New Hampshire. (It was nice to work someone who was a "local" just a few months ago.) As always, my Elecraft K1 performed admirably. Later, I discovered on the reverse beacon network that I had been spotted in New Zealand while on the EFHW.

I broke down the station, pulled out my 2-meter handheld, and after no success with the rubber duck connected a 2-element yagi. That was good for three more contacts, giving me a total of 26 on the day. 

Although I was satisfied with my South Tiger activation I wouldn't rush back, mainly because the battered landscape around my makeshift station was dispiriting. On the plus side, the summit has no towers spewing RF and during my 2+ hours setting up and operating I had the place entirely to myself.

Finally, a shout out to the Washington Conservation Corps crew that was clearing fallen trees and repairing trails damaged by December's bomb cyclone. I met them on my way up and they were still at it on my way down. I passed through several spots where their work was done, and it was clear my journey was made much easier thanks to their labor.

January 9, 2025. On the air from 10:50 to 12:35 local (minus antenna-switching time). About 2 hours up, 1½ down, with birdwatching and geocaching stops in both directions.

Sign for Tiger Mountain (TMT) Trail with trail, ferns, and tree trunks.
Selfie against clearcut and blue sky with Tahoma (Mt Rainier) in the background.