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Sawtooth Mountain

KD7QOW's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
Good digi echos

Bring a climbing helmet for this summit! Even under the trees, you're in the kill zone for falling rocks! 

There's no easy way up this summit, and it's impossible to obtain a true summit without support. That means climbing ropes, anchors, and the knowledge to use them. You can, however, obtain the activation zone without climbing gear, but it is not what I would call a "safe" ascent. The sawtooth trail is pretty obvious from the PCT, and the route to the top of this takes you up the Sawtooth Trail to a bushwhack. Don't try the obvious boot path that heads up the West facind slope in view of Lone Butte. That goes nowhere. You'll have to enter the forest from the Northwest aspect and climb almost hand over hand through the underbrush. Microspikes or cork boots would have been helpful for this. I'm not kidding. Maybe consider this as a Winter ascent if you've got backcountry skis as this would be much easier to access with 4 feet of snow on it. 

Unfortunately, VHF contacts are very difficult from the activation zone that's accessible without technical skill as it's tucked into the NW of the mountain and the Portland area is to the SW. I ended up getting out the AX-1 loaded whip and just barely eeking out 6 contacts including a difficult VHF with the other operator who was on Bird Mountain. 

I noticed there were rocks coming down from the summit while I was activating. They tumble through the forest all the way down to the bottom. That's why you need a helmet. Because of the rocks. I was ignorant but lucky, so I came out unscathed. Don't repeat my mistakes. 
