Voice Cellular Coverage:
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage:
Spotty, may not work at all
Cellular Provider:
APRS Coverage:
Don't know UPDATE: last trip I walked the bermed road. A bit longer but much easier and safer. Tracks on sotamap.
This was one of three summits outside of the town of Rogue River I did in a day. Decent road going up to trail and large pit, shooting area to park at. You just take Savage Cr Rd which will turn into a gravel BLM road. There is a blocked road going up to the summit but I chose a foot path going straight up. It was a nice trail, old jeep road that narrowed towards the top. The summit is well forested, easy to figure a set up point but no real view. However, taking the foot path up you get some amazing views down into the Applegate Valley and beyond. It will be just over a mile RT with near 600' gain.
de AG7GP