People who wish to receive the PNW SOTA Newsletter

W7MTB's picture
Chris Johannsen

I'm a reforming software engineer, trying to return to the infrastructure and network engineering world. Been tinkering with electronics/arduino/RasberryPi on and off for a while.

Started watching Ham Radio Crash Course and got hooked on the idea of SOTA/POTA. Been reading/watching lots of youtube on the subject.

N7JTT's picture
John Trefethen

I enjoy packing my gear into the high country, making contacts from summits, hunting, and activating parks throughout the SOTA & POTA networks.

My family and I live between two beautiful properties, one in San Juan County and the other in Whatcom County. We keep a small farm, and we're made up of a family of five "humans being" with creation and the inhabitants of this land. Our homestead is comprised of roughly 10 acres of wooded grassland. The property is situated on a three percent slope with total southern exposure. You can learn more about us at and Instagram.

In my free time, I enjoy exploring light as it gets captured through the lens of my camera. I am interested in investigating ideas through photography and designing for our challenges in the ophthalmic industry. You can learn more about my work at | you can also connect with me on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Equipment -- IC-705, KX2, KH1, IC-7300, IC-5100, ID-52. (all barefoot) | HF Antennas -- Hexbeam 20M and up & EFHF 130' length, Sloper configuration | VHF/UHF Antennas -- Cubical Quad and Vertical 9' Commet.

I love getting into the very high cascades and taking challenging overnight treks into the wilderness.

W7PCT's picture
Kim Owen

PCT and CDT backpacker. Mostly a POTA guy now, but hope to get a few SOTA activations.

No activations yet, but enjoy chasing sota activations.

K7TME's picture
Larry Bever
Lower Columbia (W7W/LC-xxx)

Helped with some activation's around the Mt. St. Helen's area and farther. Just thought I should sign up and truly participate.

I guess I am a chaser so far. I have a place near Mt. St. Helen's and my radio is usually on 146.520. I am up most weekends so give me a call! With the help of NA7Q I hope to have a dedicated APRS site near Marble Mountain up this year.

WJ7V's picture
Jeff Cowan

Ham'd up in 2022 with a General and looking to explore POTA and SOTA in the PNW. Extra in 2023.

Been active since the start of 2023 with over 300 points invested in summits in Oregon, Washington and California, and growing! I love operating QRP with a Xiegu X6100 and a 41' random wire antenna into a 9:1 unun. It's a very versatile setup. Happy to activate with newcomers or experienced operators!

KK7SQP's picture
James Thompson

I'm originally from the Salem area and went to school nearby.

No experience yet, just purchased a G90. I'd like to do Bald Peak to start with.

KD7QOW's picture
Josef Hoffman

I'm an avid mountain biker and backcountry skier and sometimes I go hiking if I'm under duress. I have a YouTube channel dedicated to mountain biking called Voice Over Trail Reviews. I will add SOTA content to the channel as appropriate.

I've activated a few summits now. I like to ski to summits in the Winter and mountain bike to them whenever possible in the Summer. I work SSB and digital modes to activate. Often I can be found with my FT-891 blasting 100 watts from my summits to ensure success. If it's a distant summit, I'll bring my IC-705. If I know there's folks out there listening, I'll even bring my yagi and activate 2 meter SSB.

KG7WED's picture
Leigh Marble

Software developer, audio tech, musician. Lover of dogs and donuts.

Hiking and activating is my primary interest, preferably in remote areas. Have activated W7O/WV-095 (Mt Scott) by VHF HT, but my interest going forward is wilderness activation with a portable digital rig.

KK7OVF's picture
Sean Borgerson

Amateur radio is pretty new for me (2023). My original motivation for license was to add another preparedness tool but then I realized how much more amateur radio has to offer. I’m a member of the Portland Amateur Radio Club (PARC), ARRL, AMSAT, and try to support some of the local repeater networks. I regularly participate in some nets and try to not miss the Thursday night Outdoors net ( and the Oregon Traffic and Training Net (on the WORC repeater system). I started doing summits on the air (SOTA) in the fall of 2023 - Besides being another great reason to get outdoors, SOTA offers me a great opportunity to practice good radio form (and get over the anxiousness about saying/transmitting something dumb).

I've enjoyed fishing (mostly mountain lakes and desert rivers) and amateur astronomy for quite a few years. Now SOTA gives me another reason to get outside and play.

W6PZA's picture
Ron Adams

First licensed in 2013, initially just to pick up my dad's old call (W6PZA), but soon developed my own interests in the hobby. Love outdoor recreation, hiking and backpacking, so SOTA quickly became my focus. Also enjoy casual contesting and going out on county expeditions for the 7QP and CalQSO.

Semi-retired, still do some occasional consulting work. Work life was in local government, City and County land use planner in California. Now living in Oregon and loving it!

I've been active in SOTA beginning in May 2014 with my first activation of Buckhorn Bally (W6/NW-222) near Redding, CA. Main focus is activating summits, but also chase whenever I can. While I now live in Oregon, I still serve as W6-SOTA RM for three northern regions.

I operate mainly HF-ssb mixed with some 2m-FM and digital. Hoping to learn CW - that's the plan anyway.

Radios include IC-705 & KX2. What I take depends on the type of trip, hike, radio conditions, etc. Have an assortment of LiFePO4 batteries for power. I mostly use a Buddistick for HF antenna, but will play around with other types. Do APRS route tracking using a Yeasu FT5DR, but not every trip as it's just another thing to manage.

KK4SPY's picture
Alan Arnold

I've been a licensed Ham for about 12 years and love being in the PNW! I am a member of the Clark County Amateur Radio Club as well as our local ARES group. I am retired now but worked in various not-for-profit organizations. I am long-time married and we have three children and six grandchildren.

I'm relatively new to the PNW and to SOTA. My primary activity will be in chasing since my days of summitting mountains seem to be behind me. Looking forward to being involved in this aspect of our hobby!

K7KER's picture
Kathleen Kerns

I'll fill this out later.

I'll fill this out later.

AI7LF's picture
Ken Milnes

Long time ham interested in SSB, FT8, POTA and SOTA

Hiking and activating

NT3S's picture
Nick Smith

first licensed in 2020. I've been in construction all my life. The outdoors have always been my goto to reset. My dogs keep me tethered to day trips or an occasional overnighter. TX500 EFHW FT3D 5/8 tele whip and QuadZilla

drive ups hike ups snow shoes on the weekends. I use WE4DX club call typically.

Let's Goooooooooooat 8^P

KL0NP's picture
Will Koenig

I started doing SOTA in March 2019. I have been learning CW and using my MTRB3. I completed CW Academy, level 2 in Jan/Feb 2020, and I am enjoying CW. I also use a 3 element Arrow Yagi with an Anytone 878.

I work as a flight nurse in Port Angeles. I work 24 hours on/24 hours off, so I mostly go for day hikes (some long days, hiking down in the dark).

I prefer off trail, by telemark/backcountry skiing when possible. My wife and daughter activated Mt. Adams, and I have done about 50 peaks in the Northern Olympics. My first activation was up at Hurricaine Hill, and Mark, K7NEW, just happened to be there and saw my antenna, so helped me get started.

KK7BEW's picture
Justin Rohrer

I am a fairly new ham, and I enjoy getting out when I have time.

I will probably do mostly activations, although chasing might be fun sometimes. I currently have a Yaesu FT-70D, but am looking to buy an Anytone 878 and either an Anytone 578 or Motorola Mototrbo mobile. I am looking to use a roll-up jpole antenna and maybe power my mobile radios off my Milwaukee batteries.

KF0RST's picture
Jim Ladd

Just getting started with SOTA! Can send / receive Morse code.. *slowly*. Despite being pokey, still loving the challenge of making contacts.. and of getting to be a shack sloth, too!

Recent SOTA activities:
- Enjoy chasing at home with 2m/20m/40m.
- Have activated two summits so far. Used homebrew inverted-V first time and buddipole second time (the latter being much heavier!)

Just getting started with SOTA. NA7EE and W7ETF have been helping show me the ropes!
- Enjoy chasing at home with 2m/20m/40m.
- Have activated two summits so far. Used homebrew inverted-V first time and buddipole second time (the latter being much heavier!)

W6OFV's picture

Have participated in two Soto’s & have enjoyed same.

I have only been a spectator and the activator.

WA7JNJ's picture
James Jorgenson

Licensed in 2017 (Tech) and 2018 (General), I began hearing SOTA stations calling for contacts on 2M. After learning more, I activated two summits in 2018, and have been enjoying activating and chasing since. Appreciate all the friendly folks who activate and chase!

Enjoy activating and currently use both Yaesu FT-70DR and Elecraft KX2. Usually the Elk antenna is used for 2M/70cm, but have also used rollup j-pole, Arrow yagi, or Diamond HT whip. HF antenna is the PackTenna mini end-fed cut for 20m, and recently tried a random wire with 9:1 unun.