
K7WXW's picture

1700 wa (no access) | aug 24


My three summit day plan was for naught. The road from highway 119 (47.47079, -123.21280) to Saddle, 1700, and Dow is bermed with concrete barriers.  The other potential ways in now have locked gates with no trespassing signs at (47.43676, -123.21622) and (47.42468, -123.20073), so even hiking in is out.

There might be a way in from the west side using power company roads but the sat images aren't encouraging.

K7WXW's picture

saddle mountain wa (no access) | aug 24


My three summit day plan was for naught. The road from highway 119 (47.47079, -123.21280) to Saddle, 1700, and Dow is bermed with concrete barriers.  The other potential ways in now have locked gates with no trespassing signs at (47.43676, -123.21622) and (47.42468, -123.20073), so even hiking in is out.

There might be a way in from the west, under the power lines, but the sat images weren't encouraging. 


K7WXW's picture

dow mountain wa (no access) | aug 24


My three summit day plan was for naught. The road from highway 119 (47.47079, -123.21280) to Saddle, 1700, and Dow is bermed with concrete barriers.  The other potential ways in now have locked gates with no trespassing signs at (47.43676, -123.21622) and (47.42468, -123.20073), so even hiking in is out.

There might be a way in from the west, under the power lines, but the sat images weren't encouraging.