WX7OR's blog

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Goat Mountain WA, August 2024


Goat Mount is a nice steep ridgeline hike.  The total distance from the trail head is just over a mile with an elevation gain of 1500 feet.  The peak is line of sight to much of Portland, so 2m contacts were plentiful.  There are many nice trees for HF antennas.


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Bennett Pass Hat Trick (Badger, 6001, Lookout) OR July'24


Most of the difficulty with these peaks is the drive not the hikes.  The road to Lookout Mountain is not bad and can easily be done by itself.  But if you are activating 6001 or Badger Butte, might as well go for the hat trick.  For a total hike of 5.4 miles with 1400 feet of elevation gain, you get 16 points.  Bring a GPS on 6001 and Badger Butte for the bushwhacking.

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Battle Ax, OR July 2024


I hiked this with Bill K7WXW and my wife as part of a two summit hike.  Bill did a good job of covering the hike.  There is lots of overgrown shrubbery on the bottom half, but it is does not rise to the level of bushwhacking at this time.  Give it a few more years wihtout trail maintenance and it will be more interesting.  This was a enjoyable hike with great views and good 2m contacts into Portland.

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Mt Beachie, OR July 2024


I hiked this with Bill K7WXW and my wife as part of a two summit hike.  I don't have much to add that Bill didn't say.  There is a 1/3 mile section at the start that is a marshy, overgrown slog on a steep hillside.  Bill got stuck in the muck a couple of times.  I didn't know if I should help him or use him as a human bridge over the bog.  Mosquitos in that section were horrendous.  The rest of the hike was steep and trail finding was challenging.  It did have wild lilies and other flowers that gave the hike some redeeming value.  View from the top wa

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Pansy Mountain, OR - October 2023


Pansy Mountain has not been activated since the 2021 fires.  I originally intended to do both Pansy Mountain and Bull of the Woods, but I did not get an early enough start for a late autumn hike.  Getting there is straight forward.  A high clearance vehicle is helpful for a couple of sections, but it is probably not absolutely necessary.  Follow the directions from the Forest Service:

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Mt St Helens, WA Aug 2023


My wife and I volunteered to help with the Volcanic 50K on Saturday at Butte Camp.  It had been a few years since we climbed Mt St Helens, so we decided that would be a fun add on to the trip.  I searched for alternative routes to Monitor Ridge and found a few references to an ascent from Butte Camp.