Blue Ridge has moved a bit since it was NC-037. The vehicle access is the same as it was as written up here:
The new peak is a bit easier to attain as there is a road from the parking area to the new peak which is in the opposite direction of the old. This road may be driveable, but when Dave, N7LKL, and I were there it was covered in 8 inches of snow, and we had actually snowshoed from about the 1100 foot level. In any case, it is a short walk of less than 0.5 miles OW to the top from what I would call the turn around/parking area (45.4721, -123.6669). We walked up the road 0.2 miles and then bushwhacked our way to the top.
Views were of large trees, although by moving around smatterings of the adjacent hills could be seen.
UPDATE January 2025 - We drove to within about 0.1 mile of the summit. A former cat track starts from the road near 45.46981, -123.6628 that is a slightly longer but much more pleasant bushwack to the top.