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Goble Mountain, WA | Nov 2023

K7AGL's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
Cellular Provider: 
APRS Coverage: 
Good digi echos

Goble Mountain is one of several two-point summits accessible from Weyerhaeuser rec permit access gate 6110.  For permit information see: You will need the “Longview – St Helens” one.  For this three-summit “expedition” I drove to within a few miles of each summit, parked and mountain biked to each of the summits. Because Goble Mountain is clear cut, you get great views to the North and Northeast.  The road that passes by is not in the AZ so I stashed my bike behind a rock and hiked up, I set up on the other side of a small saddle from the true summit but both parts of the saddle are in the AZ. Had no problems finding small tree to tie off my mast, and was able to sit on a stump to operate. Summit pictures posted to SOTA Atlas. 
