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Malone Peak and London Peak, OR April 2024

AG7GP's picture
Voice Cellular Coverage: 
Don't know
Data Cellular Coverage: 
Decent, workable
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APRS Coverage: 
Don't know

Two summit summary here because these can easily be done back to back. Looking for any uniques to try to achieve my 200 unique goal, Robin and I drove north to check Malone and London Peak out. Both were very easy, near drive ups. These both are a possible quick break off I-5 on a commute.

Malone Peak you will take the Sunny Valley exit (MP 71) to Leland Rd then right on Flume Gulch Rd to 42.64161,-123.43841. You can drive up to a high point on a relatively good road. There was some windfall that Robin moved in order to get to the top. After you reach as high as the road goes at the western ridge, you only have about 25 ft of elevation gain to complete. Long timbered ridge with plenty of room. Some view on the trip up but pretty filtered from the summit. It was also foggy when we went.

London Peak is pretty self explanatory as the parking is at the BLM TH and there are signs to guide you up from the Bridge Ln, Wolf Creek on up to the top. Be aware of heavy logging and possible log trucks coming down the mountain. The trail however, goes to the false summit not the true summit. You park in the saddle between the two. The true summit hike is a short stroll up a blocked BLM road. I chose to acivate at the dead end of the road in the AZ rather than at the high point to have open space for my antenna. If I had more time I would have hiked the true trail to the other peak, I have heard it is a great wildflower and view area.

The Grants Pass 2m operators love to chase SOTA on 2m. Not always listening but if one of them works you, they a lot of times tell one another to get on 52.


de AG7GP