Shady Trail

Decent tree cover for most of the trail
K7ATN's picture

Huckleberry Mountain, OR | Nov 2013


One of the most gorgeous hikes I've taken in Oregon, it's clearly popular during the 'summer' season but we had it all to ourselves this spectacular November Sunday. Note that there are four "Huckleberry Mountain" in the Oregon ARM - one of them is also in WV and is also 2 points - make sure you get yourself to the right one.

KF7EHT's picture

First snow hike of the season, with an activation of "Krell Hill" in Spokane.


Krell Hill is a 3600 foot peak to the south-east of Spokane. It's also known as Tower Mountain for reasons that are obvious to those from the area. The tower complex looms over the City of Spokane, spanning most of the ridge to the south-east of town. It hosts 3 major TV stations and numerous other transmitters. Access to the hill is either from a gated road to the south-west, or from the trail system of the Iller Creek Conservation Area to the north or southeast. Iller Creek has many hiking and biking options.

K7ATN's picture

Wind Mountain, WA | February 2013


A pleasant 2.5 mile (round trip) hike with perhaps 1000 feet of elevation gain ending in an operating position with a nice view of the Columbia River Gorge. There are some subtle archaeological aspects to this summit - hikers should be aware and read the signs to avoid disturbing any 'structures.'

ND7PA's picture

Activation of "The Twins", Deschutes Co., Oregon 10.5.2013


"The Twins" is a nice activation target just north of Hwy 58, east of Oakridge, Oregon. We took off 10/4 from the Willamette valley in dense fog and headed towards the Cascades to find the fog clearing by the time we reached Oakridge.  The big soaking rains from the Chinese typhoon blown our way had no doubt left some snow so I checked several SNOTEL sites and found that very little snow had fallen and none was currently recorded at any of the sites I checked. Apparently, "The Twins" never bothered to check with the SNOTEL sites.

ND7PA's picture

Triangulation Peak Activation (9.4.2013)


Triangulation peak is a great SOTA activation site. The trail (#3373) comes off
of FS road 2233. FS road 2233 intersects Hwy22 just east of Idanha. See any of
the hiker websites to find exact directions. The trailhead did not indicate what
trail it was but from the map its obvious.

The road to the trailhead is somewhat rugged. 4WD is not necessary, but I wouldn't
take a prized sports car up there. This road becomes gated later when snow starts
falling as this area is a mecca for snowmobile folks.

K7NIT's picture

South Saddle Mtn, OR | July 2013


There is a maze of roads in the Tillamook State Forest - a good map, a GPS, and keen sense of direction will help you navigate your way to South Saddle Mountain (not to be confused with the other coast range Saddle Mountain, NC-004). It may not be the most scenic summit, but the clearcuts do provide some great views of the north Willamette Valley.

ND7PA's picture

August 4, 2013 Activation of Scott Mountain


This was a wonderful day for an activation of Scott Mountain.  The trailhead is reached by taking the turnoff for Scott Lake Campground off of OR242 a few miles west of the Dee Wright Observatory. Follow the gravel road past all the campsites to the quarry at the end of the road.  There are two trails that start from there.  Take the Benson Trail 3402 to go most directly to Scott Mountain.

NS7P's picture

July 23, 2013 Activation by NS7P of Eagle's Rest


I activated Eagle’s Rest (W7O/WV-078) on July 23, 2013.  There are several routes to get to the summit.  There is a long trip (over 13 miles round-trip) from a trail head on Highway 58.  There is shorter (perhaps 5 miles round-trip) hike from a trail head part way up on the long trail.  N7UN, NH6Z and I took that last year.  Finally, there is a short, 0.8 mile, hike up an alt change of about 430 feet.  That is the option I chose this year.

NS7P's picture

July 27, 2013 Activation by NS7P of Castle Rock


On July 27, 2013, my wife, Christina, and I activated Castle Rock (W7O/CM-116) near Cougar Reservoir in the middle Cascades.  This 3808’ summit is easily reached by roads and a moderate hike.