Good Views From Summit

Summit has good "views"
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Barlow Ridge, OR | Aug-2012


Barlow Ridge is a pleasant three mile or so hike (OW) east of Mount Hood with about 1000 feet gain. Although relatively close to Portland the trail is seldom used, (especially past Barlow Butte) and has a nice 'wild' character about it. In other words, the trail seldom sees maintenance. It's a leg stretcher with about 1000 feet of net gain, but quite a bit more elevation change with all the ups and downs along the ridge line. Quite a bit more. 

NS7P's picture

August 15, 2012 Activation of Crater Lake's Llao Rock by NS7P


My wife, Christina, and I hiked/climbed Llao rock for the views and the activation. For those new to this summit, this should be on your to do list.  The 1 mile or so hike with about 700' of elevation rise is a moderate climb up a mostly meadowed hill. When you get to the top, the views are breathtaking. Note closure in 2013:

NS7P's picture

August 14, 2012 activation by NS7P of Crater Lake's Mt Scott


My wife, Christina, and I climbed Mt Scott, the highest point in Crater Lake NP.  At 8938' ASL, it is an 8 point summit (just shy of 10 points). The popular trail is moderate, climbing 1250' over 2.5 miles each way.  The trees get smaller as you climb, and much of the trail is in sunlight. The trail winds and switchbacks up the west and south sides of the mountain, finally following a sharp ridgeline to the summit and its fire lookout.

KK7DS's picture

Lookout Mountain, OR


When a more complex plan failed to come to fruition Friday night, we decided late that we would head to Lookout Mountain in Oregon for Saturday's activation. We had been there before, and it is one of our all-time favorite SOTA summits. Just before we were heading out the door Saturday morning, I realized I had forgotten to alert us because the decision had been so late. I was shocked to see that K7ATN was scheduled for the same summit that day!

K7ATN's picture

ZigZag Mountain, OR | Aug-2012


UPDATE JUNE 2018 - Road 27 has deteriorated to the point that getting to the trailhead may prove challenging even in a Subaru Outback. It's certainly unpleasant and rough and slow going. So much so that you may want to hike a few more miles and have an easier time getting to the northern trailhead. 

KK7DS's picture

Waldo Mountain, OR | Aug 2012


This past weekend, Taylor K7TAY and I successfully executed our first overnight SOTA activation. We went to Waldo Mountain in Central Oregon, a 6-point peak with a three-mile (each way) trail ending at a spectacular view and one of the few remaining lookout structures in Oregon.

KK7DS's picture

Lookout Mountain, WA


For Taylor's first post-surgery activation, we were looking for a summit we could nearly drive to in order to minimize the required walking. The morning of the trip was the first time she had donned her boots since the procedure, so we weren't sure how much walking she'd be up for. We had originally planned a 2-point summit in the coast range because we knew we could get within a few hundred feet in the Jeep. However, a late tip from N7AAM on Friday had us rolling towards Lookout Mountain on the Washington side of the gorge.

K7TAY's picture

Mt. Defiance - July 8, 2012


A short hike to Mount Defiance in Oregon is from Wahtum Lake Road and is about 3.6 miles roundtrip with 1140 ft gain. From Dee near Hood River, it's about a 10-mile drive on FR 2820 to the Upper Mount Defiance trailhead.

K7ATN's picture

South Tiger Mountain, WA | July-2012


South Tiger Mountain is the easiest of a trio of peaks in the Tiger Mountain State Forest near Issaquah, Washington.

(Note of August 2018 - temporary closure of South Tiger Traverse - access from the north is still possible.)

I-90 Exit 25 for Highway 18 is the easiest way to reach the trailhead parking area. I've used the upper parking lot for two activations here - note that a Washington State Discovery Pass is required. There is an unattractive toilet at the upper parking lot.